Adobe Stock Photos In this episode we'll take an in-depth look at how to take advantage of Adobe Stock Photos. You'll also see how to search for a Photographer in your area. Well search for stock photography, download comp images and then place those comps into InDesign. You'll see how to do a Pre-flight in InDesign to show you which images are comps and still need to be purchased.
Direct download: Bridge-AdobeStockPhotos.m4v
Category:Bridge -- posted at: 12:01am EST

Type on a Path with a new Twist in InDesign CS2 This isn't your grandfather's type on a path. InDesign has some hidden special effects that will make your type on a path much more compelling. Granted Type on a Path is not a new concept and has been around in Illustrator for years. However, no other application out there can handle Type on a Path as well as InDesign CS2. Don't beleive me? Watch this episode then.
Direct download: InDesign-TypeonaPath.m4v
Category:InDesign -- posted at: 12:01am EST

Create an Animated Signature using Photoshop and ImageReady CS2 This episode takes a look at how to create layers in Photoshop CS2 that build up to your signature. Then we'll pop over to Adobe ImageReady to put the finishing touches on animating that signature so that it can be used on the web or in your email application.
Direct download: Photoshop-AnimatedSig.m4v
Category:Photoshop -- posted at: 12:01am EST

Create more compeling eBay descriptions using GoLive's HTML code Every now and then you may need to use HTML tags outside of your HTML editor. Posting things for sale on eBay is a perfect example. In this episode you'll see how you can use GoLive CS2 to generate all the HTML to make your descriptions pop. After all a good description may be just enough to push someone to bid on your item over the other guy's.
Direct download: GoLive-HTMLforeBay.m4v
Category:GoLive -- posted at: 12:01am EST

Create dynamic business cards in Illustrator CS2 Using a technique from my colleague Colin Smith at Adobe we'll see how to create one business card on the page and then using the Transform Effects we'll replicate the card multiple times up. This is a really slick way to make something once and have it repeated on the page as often as you like. The beauty of it is that you can still make changes to the original and have those changes replicate throughout the page. You can even save it as a Graphic Style to be used over and over again.
Direct download: Illustrator-DynamicBCs.m4v
Category:Illustrator -- posted at: 12:01am EST

Flatten Transparency in your PDFs using Acrobat The introduction of transparency has been quite controversial in print production over the past few years. The fact is that for most transparency in Adobe files works just fine. However, those of us out there with older RIPs may have issues printing transparency. In this episode you'll see how to flatten transparency in your PDF files before you ever hit the Print command.
Direct download: Acrobat-FlattenTransparency.m4v
Category:Acrobat -- posted at: 12:01am EST

Use Collections in Adobe Bridge I've already shown you in previous episodes how to take advantage of Keywords and other metadata to quickly find your images. In this episode we'll take a look at how to create your search criteria once and use it over and over again with dynamic Collections. The Bridge is about to get a whole lot smarter in helping you find exactly what you're looking for.
Direct download: Bridge-Collections.m4v
Category:Bridge -- posted at: 12:01am EST

Add interactivity directly in InDesign CS2 with Hyperlinks Although Adobe InDesign CS2 is an outstanding print application, it can also do a great job of creating interactive content for PDF or the web. The key to creating an interactive document lies your ability to create Hyperlinks. In this episode well see how to create Hyperlinks and URLs from scratch. Then we'll export the InDesign document to PDF to take it for a spin.
Direct download: InDesign-Hyperlinks.m4v
Category:InDesign -- posted at: 12:01am EST

Create Gallery Prints to show off your Photos in Photoshop CS2 You took a great shot with your digital camera. However, how do you make it look like it was taken by a pro? It's all about the "presentation." in this episode you'll see how to create a "Gallery Print." We'll even record the steps as an action so that you can instantly transform any of your shots into Gallery Prints.
Direct download: Photoshop-GalleryPrint.m4v
Category:Photoshop -- posted at: 12:01am EST



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