Creating HTML 5 Video with Dreamweaver CS5 - The Right Way!

In this episode Adobe Evangelist Greg Rewis is back to give his 3rd installment on HTML 5. This time he shows us the right way to do HTML 5 video that can be seen by the widest audience of viewers.

Direct download: podcast-DW-HTML5Video.mp4
Category:Dreamweaver -- posted at: 12:00am EDT

Publish to Facebook using Lightroom 3.2

In this episode we take our first look at the new Lightroom 3.2 update. The update features support for lots of new cameras and tons of new Lens Profiles, however it also features new Publish Services including Facebook. I'll show you how to set it up and upload photos directly to Facebook from Lightroom 3.2.

Direct download: podcast-LR-Facebook.mp4
Category:Lightroom -- posted at: 12:00am EDT

Photoshop Express for iPad, iPhone and Android

In this episode I walk you through the updated Photoshop Express App (formally mobile) for all iOS devices and Android. I also have a bonus tip for users of the iPad Camera Connection Kit.

Direct download: podcast-PS-PSExpressiOS.mp4
Category:Photoshop -- posted at: 12:00am EDT

Use JPEGs in Adobe Camera RAW for a Non-destructive Workflow

In this episode I'll show you how to take advantage of Adobe Camera RAW even if you don't have a camera that shoots in RAW. ACR is great for making fast adjustments to your images that are non-destructive. However, many don't realize they can do this work with JPEGs too!

Direct download: podcast-PS-ACRonJPG.mp4
Category:Photoshop -- posted at: 12:00am EDT

Create Sharp Web Graphics in Illustrator CS5

When you start with a vector best illustration, you probably want to maintain as much sharpness as you can when you go to the web with that graphic. Using a new feature in Illustrator CS5 I'll show you how.

Direct download: podcast-AI-sharpwebgraphics.mp4
Category:Illustrator -- posted at: 12:00am EDT



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Terry White

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