Adobe Bridge CC vs. Lightroom 5 - Which is best for you?

In this episode of Adobe Creative Cloud TV, Terry White takes on the task of explaining and showing the differences between Adobe Bridge and Lightroom. Once and for all see which one is BEST for the things that YOU do! Also see tips and tricks in both applications.

Direct download: podcast-BR-BRvsLR.mp4
Category:Bridge -- posted at: 12:00am EST

Batch Rename Files With Custom Strings in Bridge CS5

In this episode I'll show you how to take advantage of a NEW Adobe Bridge CS5 feature that allows you batch rename just the part of the file name that you want and leave the rest of the name intact.

Direct download: podcast-BR-batchrenamestring.mp4
Category:Bridge -- posted at: 12:00am EST

I Shall Call Him Mini Bridge

In this episode I'll show you how to take advantage of Mini Bridge in both Photoshop CS5 and InDesign CS5. Access your files quicker, do searches and more.

Direct download: podcast-BR-minibridge.mp4
Category:Bridge -- posted at: 12:00am EST

Create Flash Web Galleries Directly in Bridge CS4 In this episode you'll learn how to take advantage of Bridge CS4's ability to create a Flash Web Gallery without any knowledge of Flash or without even having to have Photoshop or Dreamweaver open.
Direct download: podcast-Br-webgallery.mp4
Category:Bridge -- posted at: 12:01am EST

Russell Brown's Favorite Features in Adobe Bridge CS4 Adobe's Sr. Creative Director, Russell Brown is back to show us his favorite features in Adobe Bridge CS4. Wow! There's a lot there.
Direct download: podcast-BR-favoritefeatures.mp4
Category:Bridge -- posted at: 12:01am EST

Learn how to do Folder Cruising in Bridge CS4 In this episode we'll do a little Folder Cruising in Bridge CS4.
Direct download: podcast-BR-foldercrusing.mp4
Category:Bridge -- posted at: 12:01am EST

Check out the New Review Mode in Bridge CS4 In this episode we'll see how to review photos using the new Review mode in Bridge CS4
Direct download: podcast-BR-Review.mp4
Category:Bridge -- posted at: 12:01am EST

Camera RAW 5.0 in Bridge and Photoshop CS4 In this episode we start the journey towards learning all that we can about Creative Suite 4. In this first CS4 episode we'll take a quick look at Bridge CS4 before heading over to the New Camera RAW 5.0 in Photoshop CS4. See new non-destructive adjustments.
Direct download: podcast-BR-CameraRAW5.mp4
Category:Bridge -- posted at: 12:01am EST

Create your own custom label tags in Bridge CS3 In this episode I'll show you how to create custom labels in Bridge CS3 to tag your images and documents in ways that will make more sense to your workflow.
Direct download: podcast-BR-customlabels.mp4
Category:Bridge -- posted at: 12:01am EST

Why DNG? In this episode I'll give you some reasons why you would want to convert from your camera's proprietary camera RAW format into Adobe's open standard Digital Negative (.DNG) format. I'll also show you some ways to make the conversion.
Direct download: podcast-BR-WhyDNG.mp4
Category:Bridge -- posted at: 12:01am EST

Using Bridge CS3 and the Finder/Explorer together In this episode we'll take a look at how you can use Bridge and your operating system (Finder on Mac/Windows Explorer on PC) together. Learn some renaming techniques and quick ways of viewing folders in Bridge.
Direct download: podcast-BR-workingwithFinder.mp4
Category:Bridge -- posted at: 12:01am EST

Batch rename your files using Adobe Bridge CS3 In this episode we'll take a look at how to use Bridge to rename dozens, hundreds or thousands of files in an instant. So if you're tired of seeing your images with the generic names given them by the camera, then you'll definitely want to check out this episode.
Direct download: podcast-BR-batchrename.mp4
Category:Bridge -- posted at: 12:01am EST

Using Metadata from Bridge CS3 to InDesign CS3 In this episode special guest Tom Petrillo, Adobe Systems takes us through the process of applying metadata in Bridge CS3 and then using that metadata automatically in InDesign CS3
Direct download: Podcast-BR-metadata.mp4
Category:Bridge -- posted at: 12:01am EST

Use the "flat view" in Bridge CS3 to see it all Adobe Bridge CS3 has the ability to see the contents of any folder. However, if you have folders nested several levels deep, it may be a pain to have to keep drilling down to find what you want. In this episode I'll take the pain out this process by showing you how to use Bridge CS3's flat file view.
Direct download: podcast-BR-flatview.mp4
Category:Bridge -- posted at: 12:01am EST

Take advantage of Bridge Home in Bridge CS3 Bridge CS3 comes with a completely redesigned Bridge Home that replaces Bridge Center from Bridge CS2. Bridge Home is FAST and Flash Based. It dynamic updates with the latest information. In this episode we'll learn how to use Bridge Home to get to all the FREE resources for learning more about your Adobe CS3 products. See videos, tips and more.
Direct download: podcast-BR-bridgeCS3home.mp4
Category:Bridge -- posted at: 12:01am EST

What's New in Bridge CS3 2.1 and Camera RAW 4.1 updates Although Creative Suite 3 just started shipping in April, there are already some pretty significant updates to talk about. Bridge CS3 just got updated to 2.1 and Camera RAW got updated to 4.1. Adobe also made available the Adobe Media Gallery for Bridge CS3. In this episode we'll take a look at them all.
Direct download: podcast-BR-Bridge21CRAW41.mp4
Category:Bridge -- posted at: 12:01am EST

Take advantage of the enhanced slideshows in Bridge CS3 Adobe Bridge in CS2 had a slideshow feature that did a basic slideshow. The slideshow in Bridge CS3 has come a long ways and adds a few very nice features for showing slideshows to your clients as well as giving you more options over controlling the look and feel of your show. In this episode we'll explore those options.
Direct download: podcast-BR-slideshows.mp4
Category:Bridge -- posted at: 12:01am EST

Using Image Stacks in Bridge CS3 One of the greatest new features for photographers in Bridge CS3 is the new Stack feature. However, in this episode we'll not only take a look at how Stacks work for photographers, but also for videographers. That's right, video folks can also take advantage of this in interesting ways.
Direct download: podcast-BR-Stacks.mp4
Category:Bridge -- posted at: 12:01am EST

New Synchronized Windows in Bridge CS3 The Bridge CS3 is loaded with New features and performance enhancements. Some of the new features aren't as obvious. In this episode we'll take a look at the New Synchronize Window command as well as some other hidden features in the slideshow area.
Direct download: podcast-BR-syncwindows.mp4
Category:Bridge -- posted at: 12:01am EST

Customize the Bridge CS3 to the way you like to work The Bridge in CS2 offers the ability to save workspaces. However, in Bridge CS3 it takes it up a notch by allowing you to totally rearrange the panels to your liking. In this episode we will take a look at how to really set up the Bridge for the way you like to work.
Direct download: Bridge-YourViews.m4v
Category:Bridge -- posted at: 12:01am EST

Use the New Camera Importer in Bridge CS3 The Bridge in CS3 gets a much needed boost to productivity by allowing you to bring your images directly into a folder from your camera or card reader. In this episode I'll show you the ins and outs of how it works and why you will never want to go back to doing it the old way.
Direct download: Bridge-CameraImporter.m4v
Category:Bridge -- posted at: 12:01am EST

Using the "Title" Metadata in the Bridge to improve your Web Gallerys It's easy to create Web Photo Galleries from the Bridge. However, there are a couple of features in the Bridge for applying metadata tags to your images that the Web Photo Gallery feature in Photoshop will take advantage of. In this 640x480 episode we'll take a look at how to do this. It will greatly enhance the way you put your images up on the web.
Direct download: Bridge-TitleMetaData.m4v
Category:Bridge -- posted at: 12:01am EST

Using the Camera RAW features of the Bridge Part Two In the last Bridge episode we started to look at the Camera RAW features of the Bridge. In this episode we go even deeper and look at the synchronization features as well as the ability to batch process your camera RAW files into other formats such as JPEG.
Direct download: Bridge-CameraRAW2.m4v
Category:Bridge -- posted at: 12:01am EST

Using the Camera RAW features of the Bridge Part One If your camera can shoot in Camera RAW you should take advantage of Camera RAW inside the Adobe Bridge. The Bridge offers Camera RAW processing in batch so that you don't have to make your adjustments one-by-one. In this episode we'll take an introductory look at how Camera RAW works.
Direct download: Bridge-CameraRAW1.m4v
Category:Bridge -- posted at: 12:01am EST

Use Views and Workspaces in the Bridge to be more efficient The Adobe Bridge allows you to easily move images between the various CS2 apps. However, it also allows you to manage several aspects of the documents you're viewing. So it's probably a good idea to get a handle on how to be most efficient managing the various views in the Bridge and also to take advantage of Workspaces.
Direct download: Bridge-Views-Workspaces.m4v
Category:Bridge -- posted at: 12:01am EST



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