Photoshop World 2010 - Orlando Adobe Keynote See the Adobe Keynote address from Photoshop World East featuring demos of Lightroom 3, sneak peeks of upcoming Photoshop technologies and real world examples by Katrin Eismann. Adobe's SVP Johnny L even unveils the PS CS5 packaging!
Direct download: PSW2010-Orlando.mp4
Category:InsideAdobe -- posted at: 12:01am EDT

Lightroom 3 Public Beta 2: What's New In this episode we'll take an in-depth look at the newly released Lightroom 3 Public Beta 2. This episode covers the new features added since Lightroom 3 Public Beta 1. You can download the new beta at
Direct download: podcast-LR-LR3b2.mp4
Category:Lightroom -- posted at: 8:01pm EDT

Use Photoshop Smart Objects to build great Templates In this episode you'll learn how to take advantage of Photoshop's Smart Object feature to produce great templates and rapid replacement of content. 
Direct download: podcast-PS-smartobjects.mp4
Category:Photoshop -- posted at: 8:01pm EDT

Creating ePUB Documents with InDesign CS4 With all the talk of the iPad and other tablet and eBook readers out there I thought I'd take a few minutes to walk you through how you can create ePUB documents directly out of InDesign CS4 today! 
Direct download: podcast-ID-epub.mp4
Category:InDesign -- posted at: 7:01pm EDT

Create a Scrolling Text Panel in Adobe Flash Catalyst

In this episode I'll show you how to create a srolling text panel in Flash Catalyst starting with a Photoshop layered file. Don't have Flash Catalyst? Head over to and download the public beta now!

Direct download: podcast-FC-scrollpanel.mp4
Category:Flash Catalyst -- posted at: 12:01am EDT



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Terry White

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