Use CSS Objects in GoLive CS2 For years users have relied on tables to lay out there pages. In the modern world of web layout it's all about CSS. In this episode you'll see how to take advantage of GoLive's CSS Objects. You can make liquid pages that allow the site visitors with wider displays to control their viewing and reading experience.
Direct download: GoLive-CSSObjects.m4v
Category:GoLive -- posted at: 12:01am EDT

Trace your photos and then color them with Gradient Mesh in Illustrator Illustrator CS2 has a great tracing feature called Live Trace. However, sometimes you may want to trace something have a more artistic effect. Will Illustrator's Pen Tool and the Gradient Mesh feature you'll be able to create the exact look and feel that you want.
Direct download: Illustrator-GradientMesh.m4v
Category:Illustrator -- posted at: 12:01am EDT

PDF Security in Acrobat 7 Professional We've taken a look at creating PDFs in several of these episodes. Now we'll learn how to secure them so that we can safely send out PDFs to clients for review and be assured that they can only access the content the way we want them to. Turn off things like printing and content extraction. Password protect your PDFs so that they can't even be opened without a password.
Direct download: Acrobat-PDFSecurity.m4v
Category:Acrobat -- posted at: 12:01am EDT

Take advantage of the Bridge Center If you have the Adobe Creative Suite, you not only have the Bridge, you have a component of the Bridge called the Bridge Center. The Bridge Center is the hub of the Creative Suite and allows you to quickly access recently used files and folders. It also allows you to read your RSS feeds, sync your color management settings and create Version Cue projects.
Direct download: Bridge-BridgeCenter.m4v
Category:Bridge -- posted at: 12:01am EDT

Create rollover effects in InDesign to go to PDF Adobe InDesign can create PDFs natively. In this episode we'll see a rarely used feature that allows us to create rollover effects that work beautifully in PDF files. Your PDF files will be interactive. InDesign allows us to create buttons and using the States palette we can create rollover effects.
Direct download: InDesign-Rollovers.m4v
Category:InDesign -- posted at: 12:01am EDT

Color correct your image like a pro in Photoshop Whether you're using a scanner or a digital camera chances are you've had images that required color corrections. In this episode you see how to color correct an image like a pro. We'll use Curves, Match Color and Adjustment Layers to make our adjustments.
Direct download: Photoshop-ColorCorrection.m4v
Category:Photoshop -- posted at: 12:01am EDT

Use Variable Text in GoLive We've talked about Smart Objects in GoLive in the past. However, in this episode well see how to create a Photoshop Smart Object that has text layers that can be altered directly in GoLive. This way you can change the text on your graphics without having to return to Photoshop.
Direct download: GoLive-VariableText.m4v
Category:GoLive -- posted at: 12:01am EDT

Creating reflections in Illustrator Often times people think that Photoshop is the only tool to create reflections in photos and product shots. However, can pretty easily take advantage of the features in Illustrator CS2 to create very realistic reflections.
Direct download: Illustrator-Reflections.m4v
Category:Illustrator -- posted at: 12:01am EDT

Explore the presentation features of Acrobat You can select images in the Bridge and send them to Photoshop to make a presentation slideshow. In this episode you'll see how to add some polish to those presentations as well as taking advantage of Acrobat specific transitions and settings. You'll also see how to tweak the settings to do automatic or manual slideshows.
Direct download: Acrobat-PDFPresentations.m4v
Category:Acrobat -- posted at: 12:01am EDT



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