Which is better: Libraries or Snippets, in InDesign CS2? Libraries have been used in page layout applications for years. InDesign CS2 has one of the best implementations of Libraries, however, InDesign CS2 also introduces Snippets. In this episode I will show you the ins and outs of both and let you decide which one is best.
Direct download: InDesign-librariesvssnippets.m4v
Category:InDesign -- posted at: 12:01am EDT

Take a look at the New Camera RAW in Photoshop CS3 Not only do we get a new Photoshop CS3 and a new Bridge CS3, but we also get a new Camera RAW as well. In this episode I'll show you a couple of cool new features in the new Camera RAW dialog box.
Direct download: Photoshop-NewCRcontrols.m4v
Category:Photoshop -- posted at: 12:01am EDT

Use Dreamweaver to add a Flash movie to your page It's time to make the transition to Dreamweaver here at the Creative Suite Podcast. Don't worry, GoLive is still my first love. However, I have had several requests to start adding some Dreamweaver content here now that Dreamweaver is part of the Creative Suite. So in this first Dreamweaver episode I'll show you how I used Dreamweaver for the first time. I needed to add a Flash movie to my GoLive page. There is no easier way to do it than to use Dreamweaver. In this episode I'll show you how.
Direct download: Dreamweaver-FlashVideo.m4v
Category:Dreamweaver -- posted at: 12:01am EDT

Use Illustrator CS2 to Live Trace a Movie The Live Trace feature in Illustrator CS2 is great for tracing sketches and photos. However, you probably never thought to use it for something moving like a movie file. In this episode we'll use a couple of tricks and a few hidden features to turn your movie file into a illustrated animation. This is way cool!
Direct download: Illustrator-LiveTraceYourMovie.m4v
Category:Illustrator -- posted at: 12:01am EDT

Graphically sign your PDFs with your picture We've seen how to digitally sign PDFs in Acrobat before. However, in this episode not only do I show you how to do it in Acrobat 8 Professional, but I also show you how to take your signature to the next level with your own picture. There will be no doubt that the signature is from you.
Direct download: Acrobat-GraphicSig.m4v
Category:Acrobat -- posted at: 12:01am EDT

Customize the Bridge CS3 to the way you like to work The Bridge in CS2 offers the ability to save workspaces. However, in Bridge CS3 it takes it up a notch by allowing you to totally rearrange the panels to your liking. In this episode we will take a look at how to really set up the Bridge for the way you like to work.
Direct download: Bridge-YourViews.m4v
Category:Bridge -- posted at: 12:01am EDT

Extreme Makeover with Adobe InDesign CS2 In all the other InDesign episodes we've drilled down on the features of InDesign CS2. In the episode we'll start putting some of what we learned to the test. We'll take my buddy Jack's flyer and give it a makeover in InDesign. Jack is admittedly a software developer and not a designer. So I've offered to give his latest flyer a little design help.
Direct download: InDesign-makeover.m4v
Category:InDesign -- posted at: 12:01am EDT



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Terry White

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